Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Grandfather” Symbol of My Significant Person

The person that is significant to me is my sister. The item I chose that represents my sister is a heart, I chose a heart because I know I can count on her to keep me moving through school like how I count on my heart to keep me going during sports activities. One thing my sister and a heart have in common is that when I have trouble with sports she will help me with my problem, like my heart will help me. Another thing they have in common is when I get pumped up for a football game or a basketball game she tries to keep me pumped. Sort of like when my heart keeps me pumped up so I can have energy to play. One last thing the two things have in common is when my sister knows I am having problems she tells me not to worry and she keeps me going like my heart keeps me going every day. I think my sister would be surprised if I told her because it’s only been one year since I meet her because we’ve been separated since we were little kids and it makes me happy when I see her because she is one of the people I think cares about me and doesn’t want me to fail.


  1. i can not see what u did fix it.

  2. I like what you wrote about because I've haven't had a sister like yours all nice and sweet.

  3. Pablo you have to highlight it in order to see it. Anyways Andrew Thats very sweet that you and your sister are close.

  4. Thats nice of you to have someone that precious to you XD

  5. Andrew you need to fix your colors, and that is very sweet. Good job!

  6. Andrew I hopeyou get to see your sister more often, and yes like everyone else says fix your color font.
