Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Romeo & Juliet Before" Paragraph

What I know about "Romeo and Juliet" is that they are two young lovers that fall in love and sooner or later Romeo dies and Juliet notices that she really wants to be with Romeo forever so she kills herself. Now when it comes to Shakespear I dont know alot all I know is that he wrote a lot of books. Three questions I have about Romeo and Juliet is 1) How do they fall in love? 2)  Does Romeo die for Juliet? 3) Does this inspire some readers.


  1. Andrew, please look over your work before posting. There are several punctuation errors that could have been avoided.

  2. I don’t entirely agree with this post because there are many things that you got mixed up and also errors. Don't put quotations before and after Romeo & Juliet!!! Ms. Priester told us already!!! BAD BOY
