Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Would I Ever Go Hunting

My opinion on hunting is that it is goo and bad, I think hunting is good because every day some one kills an animal but at the same time all kinds of animal are giving birth. So when we kill one animal somewhere around the world there is five animals being born.On the other hand hunting can be bad also. Hunting can be bad in all sorts of ways like polar bears, people don't realise that when they kill polar Bears they lessen the bears population. we lessen the bears population because some bears are losing there home and land because of global warming and because of that their population keeps dropping.So when we go hunting for polar bear just so we can have fur boots,or fur coats people have to realise that if this keeps going on that sooner or later the entire polar bear population would go extinct. So that is why I think hunting is good,and bad.


  1. Nice but you need to check your spelling. I like your profile.

  2. Thats sweet of how you think of the animals and their population, in the good and bad side of the stories.

  3. Thats true because a lot of different animals are going extinct1

  4. Make sure you spell check your work in google docx brother!I think that hunting is bad and good too, can;t make up my mind.

  5. Ya you need to check your grammar, and thats a lot of good things you said but and then it can be good to kill some animals that can be very dangerous!

  6. I agree hunting endangered and threatened species is unacceptable. I also agree with the above suggestions of many of your peers. Would you go hunting, if you had the chance?
